
Welcome to qdq group, we help businesses succeed with digital strategies


📍C/ Castellana, 81 Madrid

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This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.

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This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.

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This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.

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Discover our leading companies in the sector

About us

In the heart of Madrid, the qdq group was born, full of enthusiasm, a desire to share knowledge and experience and, above all, to be able to help any SME, business or company grow on its path to success. At the qdq group we offer digital solutions to companies and professionals, with continuous support and advice. ​ We operate through three agencies: qdq, Optimizaclick and Trazada.

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This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.

This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.

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This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.

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This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.

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We are what companies and businesses need to succeed on the internet.​

Una estrella verde brilla en la oscuridad sobre un fondo negro.

We are what is demanded to be successful and take businesses to the top.​

Un icono de bandera verde en un círculo negro sobre un fondo blanco.

We are a team without limits, with creativity, confidence, dedication and passion for building and growing businesses.​

Una mano con dos corazones sobre un fondo negro.
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This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.

This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.

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This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.

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This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.

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Our agencies

Your clients, getting closer

At qdq we offer the best Online Marketing services for freelancers, businesses and small SMEs. Some of our services are: web, visibility on Google, Ecommerce, social media management, SEM and SEO positioning services, virtual office, CRM, electronic invoice, cybersecurity...

logo optimiza

Stand out among a million

Atoptimizaclick we are focused on medium and large SMEs and sectors with high digital competence. Our solutions focus on customized web/ecommerce, social media and content management, highly competitive SEO (national) and online campaigns (Google ADs, Facebook)

For brands obsessed with standing out

Trazada is a Digital Marketing agency with more than 15 years focused on large accounts and multi-local businesses. We are experts in custom projects, consulting and implementation, digital marketing services and multi-local marketing solutions.


"With Trazada we value very positively the continuous and sustained improvement that we have experienced in recent years. Always available and proactive to find the best solution to the challenges posed. A magnificent team and good results."

Joseph Barrado

Opinion of the TRAZADA agency

What our clients say about us

We are digitizing agents of Kit Digital


logos kit digital

We offer companies a comprehensive service to access the Kit Digital, a government initiative that finances digital transformation. We advise businesses in identifying their technological needs and help implement solutions such as websites, e-commerce, customer management (CRM), and cybersecurity tools, among others.

In addition, we are in charge of managing the application for Kit Digital aid and guarantee that the implemented solutions meet the requirements and standards necessary to optimize the operation and competitiveness of the company in the digital environment.

Contact us

Fill out our form and a representative of the agency that best suits your needs will contact you.

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